

Palacio Torres Donlebún, Barres, Asturias.


That heritage must be preserved is no cause for doubt. The question today is how. It is not feasible to museumize everything and keep it only for contemplation. Today the intervention is about giving a new life to the buildings to avoid their deterioration.


Palacio de los Pardo Donlebún, Figueras, Asturias.

Son Verí, Valldemossa, Mallorca.


Intervening, from knowledge and respect to history, and re-habit, are the tools necessary for our heritage to last in time.


Palacio del Marqués de Santa Cruz, Catropol, Asturias.

Palacio de los Pardo Donlebún, Figueras, Asturias.


We approach every intervention from respect to the history of each building, of each place. The use of original materials, local techniques and attention to detail are the basis of our work.


Palacio Torres Donlebún, Barres, Asturias.